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“This administration is populated by people who’ve spent their careers bashing government. They’re not just small-government conservatives—they’re Grover Norquist, strangle-it-in-the-bathtub conservatives. It’s a cognitive disconnect for them to be able to do something well in an arena that they have so derided and reviled all these years.”

Senator Hillary Clinton

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

The only thing we have to fear is in this email

It should be obvious by now that the gloom and doom of a Social Security shortfall is all White House propaganda to sell it's privatization plan to the people. For those still in doubt, there's a memo that says pretty much just that. From the White House.
Calling the effort “one of the most important conservative undertakings of modern times,” Peter Wehner, the deputy to White House political director Karl Rove, says in the e-mail message that a battle over Social Security is winnable for the first time in six decades and could transform the political landscape.

Note that it is, for Republicans, all about "winning battles" and less about doing what is best for the country and its people. Oddly, this became very clear to me after reading "Blinded By the Right," David Brock's confessional. It applies to almost everything, including the torture memos. Most sane people would admit that torture is bad. But because their leader authorized, suddenly torture is not only okay, it is vital to the war on terror. Makes sense, right?

But I'm mixing my issues. Conservatives see this as their chance to get back at 60 years of Social Security. In those sixty years, there has been many seniors saved from death on the street, or living without heat. Somehow the eldery can afford medicine and doctor's visits. Some can even afford to eat three meals a day.

And this, according to conservatives and the White House e-mail, must be stopped in order to make America great. Thank goodness someone is looking out for us.

Oddly, the email does not point out that privatization solves none of the boogeymen that Bush and co. have created to scare people away from Social Security. MaxSpeak provides an interesting solution to the whole mess.

*UPDATE* Looks like I'm a few hours behind.