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“This administration is populated by people who’ve spent their careers bashing government. They’re not just small-government conservatives—they’re Grover Norquist, strangle-it-in-the-bathtub conservatives. It’s a cognitive disconnect for them to be able to do something well in an arena that they have so derided and reviled all these years.”

Senator Hillary Clinton

Friday, October 08, 2004

The President and I finally agree

From the transcript(my emphasis):
Mr. Bush: Saddam Hussein was a risk to our country, Ma'am. And he was a risk that - and this is where we just have a difference of opinion. The truth of the matter is if you listen carefully Saddam would still be in power if he were the president of the United States. And the world would be a lot better off.

The Saddam in power bit is open to debate. But I do agree the world would be better off with Kerry as President. I'm glad the President admits it, too.