Here's my thoughts on the convention tonight as they happened. They are unedited, except for the addition of quotes that I make reference to. I'll mark the end, which is when I left work. They are unedited, with the exception of spelling errors.
Here you go...
Well, I'm trying to live blog the convention, but will have to wait to post it until I get home. Already two problems have introduced themselves with this idea. One is an accidental closing of the window (my fault) and the other is an over exuberet supervisor with a new toy (not my fault). So I will miss names of certain speakers and what they said, but I will try and stay focused as best I can, and catch up on what I miss when I get home.
Earlier this morning I jotted down this: "After the deficit soending of the Bush years, what ground do Republicans have to complain aout Democratic spending policies?" Then I watched Virginia Mark Warner say the following(paraphrase):
Can you imagine what they would say if the Democrats were responsible for this budget?
His best line went something like this:
Moses wandered in the desert for 40 years. Democrats have wandered in Virginia for 40 years. But this Bush won't lead us to the promised line.
I haven't spent a lot of time learning about the Democratic governor of Virginia, but it is easy to see how he can appeal to a traditionally Republican state with a speech like the one he gave. He also made a lofty promise to deliver his state for Kerry, which would certainly be a coup. I just can't see it happen.
We had a couple other speakers, and then my supervisor entered and make me miss the speech by. Every time I looked up the crowd seemed to rise to applause, and I could make out those moments where the crowd spoke with him. He seemed to get the crowd excited.
Now Joe Biden ascends to the stage proclaiming himself a Democrat.
7:55 It's the second time this convention that I've heard about the French proclaiming us all Americans after 9/11. With the Republicans trying to use that as a bad word, I'm not sure I'd go there. But to say that Bush is not FDR or JFK is fairly obvious. He does not question their motives, but he strongly disagrees with their choices. I imagine without research that Biden voted for the war. If not, then it is a strong statement to make.
I like Biden. Even if he rambles on sometimes, I still seem to agree with most of what he says. He seems to subtlely hammer home the idea of us being alone in the war on terror. DeGall and JFK quote here. Not a bad speech, but the work around me distracts me from the full feel of it.
8:05 Here comes
Wesley Clark. Give him credit for a fine speaking style. I think he can appeal to independants in the campaign from here on out. Even Hillary smiles when he says that "no one can take away that flag from us." And when he says we will "destroy the terrorist threat" it sounds a bit stronger than when Edwards did it last night.
(Here's the quote:)
This hall and this party are filled with veterans who have served under this flag -- our flag. We rose and stood reveille to this flag. We fought for this flag. And we've seen brave men and women buried under this flag. This flag is ours! And nobody will take it away from us.
Did he sound this good on the stump? I think I see why he won Oklahoma by the margin that he did. Then as his rally comes to a crescendo, the call goes out.
Another reason to dislike where I work. I'll have to find a copy of the speech, but he sounded good coming into the gate. Keep him on the campaign until November.
(Here's the end of his speech. Wow, if you ask me.)
They're serving to build something greater than themselves. They're serving to build something worth fighting for. They're serving to build something worth dying for. They are a company of heroes. Everyone who fights for the best in American life is also a hero. Firefighters. Police officers. Teachers, and so many others.
John Kerry's time to lead this company of heroes has arrived. Right here. Right now. In this town. Tonight, from this place, we set out together to put our country back on track to security, freedom and opportunity. America: hear this soldier.
Choose a leader whose physical courage, moral values and sound judgment will -- with the grace of God and our determined commitment -- strengthen our country, protect our liberty, renew our spirit and secure a future for our children that is worthy of our heritage.
Make John Kerry the next president of the United States.
8:17 Joe Lieberman. A shout out to Barak Obama. That would get even Bush applause in this crowd. I can see why he came in so low in the primaires. Joe Lieberman, man of adjectives. Positive, uplifiting plan... I think the cynic in me is coming out here, ut he should tell us about the plan rather than tell me how great it is. Another speech I'm glad is not on any of the networks right now. They can sound bite something out of this and move on.
Will "Shout" fire up the crowd more than Nancy Pelosi? I'm going to put my money down on the Democratic Leader of the house of Representives myself.
On a side note, I woke up this morning saying to myself "Strong at home, more respected in the world." I think its working.
I think I lost my bet. This Democrats have it right does nothing for me, and it doesn't seem to do it for the crowd, either. We can win with the American people, not for, Nanci.
8:45. Madeline Alright speaks. That's all I have to say about that. A nice speech from an average speaker. She had a line or two that in a more skilled mouth would have been strong. I'm not sure why you put here on as the last main speaker before John himself. I think Clark has been the best so far. If the intent was to keep the bar low for John, they've done an excellent job.
I'm sure this has been aksed already, but is it on purpose that FOX News is on the far right of the media booths?
9:25 Alexandra Kerry would no doubt lose to the Bush twins in a drinking contest, but I think she can take them in speechwriting and giving. Warm funny stories are the best thing to humanize a man. Talk of a man being real, and he will become real to America. Watch his favorables after the convention bounce better than the head to head.
The video, his fellow soldiers, and now Max Cleland... wow. It honestly almost brought a tear to my eye to see him roll out on stage. These men are amazing people. It's all been great leading up to the big event. Cleleand even makes the strong at home, safe in the world line feel fresh. Give ups for this:
(insert bible story here)
And now
John Kerry.(last line of Cleland speech?)
10:06 Screw FOX News and their whole the floor and Kerry don't agree lines. Four minutes of solid cheers outdoes even Dean. Bring the noise, John.
10:19 "I will appoint an Attorney General that will uphold the Constitution of the United States."
10:22 "I accept your nomination.."
So tonight, in the city where America's freedom began, only a few blocks from where the sons and daughters of liberty gave birth to our nation — here tonight, on behalf of a new birth of freedom — on behalf of the middle class who deserve a champion, and those struggling to join it who deserve a fair shot — for the brave men and women in uniform who risk their lives every day and the families who pray for their return — for all those who believe our best days are ahead of us — for all of you — with great faith in the American people, I accept your nomination for President of the United States.
10:28 "And saying Mission Accomplished doesn't make it so"
Now I know there are those who criticize me for seeing complexities — and I do — because some issues just aren't all that simple. Saying there are weapons of mass destruction in Iraq doesn't make it so. Saying we can fight a war on the cheap doesn't make it so. And proclaiming mission accomplished certainly doesn't make it so.
You can tell he's in a rush to bring it in on time. He's talking over applause. Let
it come, John. Let it come.
10:37 "Values spoken without actions taken are just slogans"
For four years, we've heard a lot of talk about values. But values spoken without actions taken are just slogans. Values are not just words. They're what we live by. They're about the causes we champion and the people we fight for. And it is time for those who talk about family values to start valuing families.
You don't value families by kicking kids out of after school programs and taking cops off our streets, so that Enron can get another tax break.
We believe in the family value of caring for our children and protecting the neighborhoods where they walk and play.
And that is the choice in this election.
You don't value families by denying real prescription drug coverage to seniors, so big drug companies can get another windfall.
Around this time a Republican heckler enters the room. I hopefully put him in his place.
Everytime he rejects an idea, I tell him he's pessimistic. It's fun to be a democrat once
10:52 "God on our side"
And that's why Republicans and Democrats must make this election a contest of big ideas, not small-minded attacks. This is our time to reject the kind of politics calculated to divide race from race, group from group, region from region. Maybe some just see us divided into red states and blue states, but I see us as one America — red, white, and blue. And when I am President, the government I lead will enlist people of talent, Republicans as well as Democrats, to find the common ground — so that no one who has something to contribute will be left on the sidelines.
And let me say it plainly: in that cause, and in this campaign, we welcome people of faith. America is not us and them. I think of what Ron Reagan said of his father a few weeks ago, and I want to say this to you tonight: I don't wear my own faith on my sleeve. But faith has given me values and hope to live by, from Vietnam to this day, from Sunday to Sunday. I don't want to claim that God is on our side. As Abraham Lincoln told us, I want to pray humbly that we are on God's side. And whatever our faith, one belief should bind us all: The measure of our character is our willingness to give of ourselves for others and for our country.
I think we are ready. 5-7 point bounce, Kerry favorablility up at least 10 points.
Time for me to go.
So now I'm home. The 5-7 may be a bit high, but Kerry was on. People I talked to who weren't totally into politics stopped to watch him for a while. Afterwards they said they were interested in what he had to say, and they thought it was a good speech. Those are the people who Kerry needs to get involved. And he reached them. Great speech.