Bill Clinton
Wow. I've always been averst to term limits. But remember when we had a man who could speak like that in the White House?
Republicans need division. Wisdom and strength are not opposing values. Jon Kerry as the man who says "send me."
And the whole tax cut idea? That it was a tax cut for him? Well that grated on me a bit. But think how it grates on Republicans who now know that their policies are helping Bill Clinton.
Just an incredible speech. I'll find a link soon.
Oh, and Joe Scarborough just said he could sleep at night with Kerry in the White House knowing he went into the fire to save a man in Vietnam. Yeah, that Joe Sacrborough.
A hell of a night to top.
*UPDATE* Here's a link to the speech, sans some extemperaneous comments. Its hard to snip and cut becuase it all flows so well together. But you could tell he was on when he hit this point home.
Democrats and Republicans have very different and honestly held ideas on that choices we should make, rooted in fundamentally different views of how we should meet our common challenges at home and how we should play our role in the world. Democrats want to build an America of shared responsibilities and shared opportunities and more global cooperation, acting alone only when we must.
We think the role of government is to give people the tools and conditions to make the most of their lives. Republicans believe in an America run by the right people, their people, in a world in which we act unilaterally when we can, and cooperate when we have to.
They think the role of government is to concentrate wealth and power in the hands of those who embrace their political, economic, and social views, leaving ordinary citizens to fend for themselves on matters like health care and retirement security. Since most Americans are not that far to the right, they have to portray us Democrats as unacceptable, lacking in strength and values. In other words, they need a divided America.