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“This administration is populated by people who’ve spent their careers bashing government. They’re not just small-government conservatives—they’re Grover Norquist, strangle-it-in-the-bathtub conservatives. It’s a cognitive disconnect for them to be able to do something well in an arena that they have so derided and reviled all these years.”

Senator Hillary Clinton

Thursday, March 03, 2005

The spring line begins

Hey, Bill, nice flip-flops!
Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist said Thursday that Congress must confront Social Security's problems this year, dialing back comments earlier in the week that action might have to wait.

``We need to do it this year. Not the next year,'' Frist said Thursday on the Senate floor. ``We are working towards this goal.''

Two days ago, Frist noted intense Democratic opposition and suggested he might not be able to move a bill to the Senate floor this year, as Bush has pushed for. ``I want to be realistic,'' Frist said on Tuesday.

I'm certain we will see more of these in the months to come.