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“This administration is populated by people who’ve spent their careers bashing government. They’re not just small-government conservatives—they’re Grover Norquist, strangle-it-in-the-bathtub conservatives. It’s a cognitive disconnect for them to be able to do something well in an arena that they have so derided and reviled all these years.”

Senator Hillary Clinton

Tuesday, March 01, 2005


Apparently, it's big news for the Drudge Report to link to you if you are newspaper in Lawrence, Kansas. Never mind that the headline that links to the article is an outright lie:
The Drudge link is titled "DNC Dean Says Republican are 'Evil' . . .," which takes you to a J-W story titled "Dean roars into town." (Note: Dean's quote in the story didn't say the GOP is evil. He told fellow Democrats, "This is a struggle of good and evil. And we're the good.")

So I would think the lead would be Drudge Lies in Newspaper Link. But that would be too liberal, huh?