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“This administration is populated by people who’ve spent their careers bashing government. They’re not just small-government conservatives—they’re Grover Norquist, strangle-it-in-the-bathtub conservatives. It’s a cognitive disconnect for them to be able to do something well in an arena that they have so derided and reviled all these years.”

Senator Hillary Clinton

Saturday, November 13, 2004

Out of Grace

These are the type of blogposts that just upset me. They are based on stereotypical readings of some false straw men set up to make a large sect of voters look bad. I don't have the time or the patience to go through point by point and explain the truth vs. this false reality, so I will pick a quick example.

This is Grace (the poster) coming up with a contract that "blue staters" would draw up and have the "red staters" sign:
And STOP driving SUV's. We hate those things too. Don't you realize that your conspicuous consumption will overshadow ours if you drive those boats? Plus, they're big, which just means we have to find something even bigger to drive.

So here's the frame of Grace's debate on SUVs: The left wants to consume more than the right, and the right's purchase of SUVs makes it more difficult for the left accomplish this goal. Therefore liberals resent SUVs because they make it harder for them to destroy the world around them.

Seem preposterous? Of course it does. But rather than engage in an open debate about the pros and cons of SUV use, Grace would like to mock my "viewpoint" while painting it in the wrong light.

Here's another example:
Since we are too intelligent and enlightened to tolerate mere Christianity or any other traditional religion, we will offer instead our own religious beliefs, which are that good and evil are almost interchangeable, stuff is good and basically there isn't anything to believe in. And you can believe us on this. In fact, we insist that you do. Your religion leads to peace of mind, human dignity and theosis; ours promotes spiritual decay. You see the problem.

Liberals believe in science over faith, have no understanding of good vs. evil, and want everyone else to have those beliefs as well. As for religion in a blue state, it basically does not exist.

Now I know a lot of different liberals from all different religious sects. Basically Grace has just insulted them all and accused them of false worship. And that is what her religion tells her to do.

Now do I think the way Grace presents me? No. Not even close. Do I think my world view is correct? Of course I do, or else I wouldn't have it. But the great irony of her post, of course, is that Grace has her views and wants to convince people that she is right, which is exactly what she is trying to rail against the so called "blue staters" for. She is as sanctimonious as she claims the left to be.

Grace, if you actually want to discuss issues that you raised and find out how an actual liberal feels about them, I'm right here. Perhaps it will help educate the both of us.