Kerry endorsements
No one will be surprised, I'm guessing, but the New York Times, the San Fransisco Chronicle, The Boston Globe, the Minneapolis Star Tribune, and the Dayton Daily News have all endorsed John Kerry for President.
Here's some quick peaks. From the Dayton Daily News:
John Kerry is a credible, prepared, likely choice for a nation that should expect more sophistication, more skill, less failure and more focus on the problems of the American mainstream than George W. Bush has offered.
The SF Chronicle:
But from the moment he took office, Bush showed neither compassion nor humility. He immediately began to govern as if he had a mandate to steer the country in a sharply rightward direction. The policies of the Bush presidency have only cemented the polarization in this country.
It is time for a change of direction.
The Boston Globe:
These three examples highlight John Kerry's core strengths: an ability to see complex problems in new, often prescient, ways and a willingness to seek collaborative solutions. Far from being wavering or indecisive, Kerry's worldview has been steadfastly informed by these values for as long as we on this page have known him. In complex and dangerous times, the United States needs a leader who can bring together people and ideas. For these reasons, the Globe endorses John F. Kerry for president and John Edwards for vice president in the critical election Nov. 2.
Meanwhile, the Globe has a separate editorial discussing Bush:
When the Globe makes political endorsements, we normally focus on the candidates we support and the reasons for that support. Often the opponent is not even mentioned. But this election more than others is a referendum on the performance of the incumbent president.
I'll let you read the rest at your leisure.