Rewriting CNN
On Tom Delay's lawyer, laying false accusations against the sitting judge in the case against his client:
In respectful tones, DeGuerin noted that Perkins had donated money to, a liberal organization that he said has been "selling T-shirts with Mr. DeLay's mug shot on it."
How about this:
In respectful tones, DeGuerin noted that Perkins had donated money to, a liberal organization that he falsely claimed has been "selling T-shirts..."
See the difference, CNN? One paragraph gives the lawyer space to make false claims without noting they are false. Instead, you resort to the he said/he said style reporting, noting only that MoveOn denied it was selling shirts. Which they aren't, and a little research on CNN's part (done by Think Progress) will show you that DeGuerin lied in order to smear the judge.
I'm sure that CNN's not the only one to report this way, but they are the one's I really want to help first.
So CNN, if you're hiring, give me a call. We'll do lunch.