The obligatory Terri Schiavo post
As things get wackier, and threats of violence from the state rise up, I keep hearing how the Democrats are losing out on an opportunity to score political points. This is a case, however, where I really think the Democrats are better served staying out of it altogether.
Because of this issue, GOP favorability has dropped. And why? Because they feel Republicans are using this as a political issue. So why would the Democrats want to fumble with this political greased pig as well?
Republicans have stepped in this one all their own, and they cannot even claim "activist liberal judges" with a straight face as a majority of the judges deciding to reject this case lately have been GOP appointees. There's really no strong way out of this box for Republicans, and Democratic talking heads would need to make only one false step in order to provide them with one.
I think most people agree that this is not a case for politicians to decide. And any Democratic party involvement quickly turns this from a Republican vs. America debate to one of Democrats vs. Republicans. I've already heard on C-Span callers stating they were going to leave the GOP over this issue. What more could the Democrats ask for?