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“This administration is populated by people who’ve spent their careers bashing government. They’re not just small-government conservatives—they’re Grover Norquist, strangle-it-in-the-bathtub conservatives. It’s a cognitive disconnect for them to be able to do something well in an arena that they have so derided and reviled all these years.”

Senator Hillary Clinton

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Liveblogging (the afterwords)

I didn't do it. But these guys sure did.

My own opinion? Eh. Republicans will fall overthemselves in praise, and Democrats will remain skeptical. I cheered when the Democrats voiced disapproval with Bush's Social Security rehtoric, and I missed the "big moment" that all the networks talked about.

I'll fill in more if I think of it.

*UPDATE* Okay, watching three straight Republican Senators hold up their ink-stained fingers on CSPAN has made me laugh. Way to trivialize things, fellows. Nice work.

And if you aren't watching C-SPAN, it's quite impressive. Democrats are railing on the speech, especially the Social Security parts. Republicans are waiving their "we're #1" fingers" and hoping for the best.

*UPDATED AGAIN* It seems that Republicans are championing the "specifics" of the Bush Social Security portion of the speech. I heard nothing specific there, really. I'll check the speech later on, but all he really did was read off a list of things we could do. And he supported none of them, saying simply they were on the table. Except tax hikes. So not everything.

*UPDATE* Surprise, surprise, Josh Marshall has more.

*UPDATE* Seniors over 55 are safe as far as Social Security goes. Wouldn't that imply that those of us under 55 aren't? That aside, I wonder how someone 54, or even 50 feels about that.

*MORE* It seems the media, from what I've seen, is focusing on the Iran/Syria/Saudi Arabia stuff from the speech. Which would mean the Social Security things were a lead balloon as far as coverage goes.

*MORE* From the Corner:
I just noticed the president kissed Joe Lieberman on his way out. I guess he is one of the last semi-reasonable Democrats in town....

I saw that too, and wondered how it went over with the anti-guy crowd. All part of the plan, I'm sure.

Apparently semi-reasonable really does mean kissing up to Bush.