Jeb Bradley and Social Security
Rep Jeb Bradley (R-NH), professional Social Security flip-flopper:
On Wednesday, [Bradley] told the Monitor he opposed "privatization" of Social Security, which is the way Democrats have been describing Bush's plan to allow younger workers to divert part of their paychecks into savings accounts.
A day later, he was telling the Union Leader he would consider some kind of personal accounts, as long as it didn't mean the entire Social Security system was turned over to a private administrator. Huh . . . we didn't know anyone was seriously suggesting that option.
Meanwhile, on its editorial page, the Union Leader urged Bradley to stick to a single position.
In his 2002 campaign, Bradley pledged to vote against bills that would allow people to invest part of their payroll taxes in personal accounts. That stance would seem to put him squarely against what Bush has put forth. Democrats seized on Bradley's apparent indecisiveness.
"Jeb Bradley showed today that he has lost his spine," said state party Chairwoman Kathy Sullivan. "He had the chance to stand and fight for the promise he made to New Hampshire voters. Instead, at the first sign of pressure, he turned tail and fled from the ring."
Another seat ripe for the picking in 2006 thanks to privatization. Thanks, W!