Democrats, Republicans gear up
Yesterday the Washington Post had an article about Democrats mobilizing for the battle on Social Security. Today, the Boston Globe comes out with an article about the Republican mobilization effort. Non partisan media at its finest, I guess.
And let's not forget that the President is out there, too. He for some reason, is focusing on the benefit cuts as his selling point:
"Benefit cuts is an interesting word," (uh, actually, it's two words - ed.)Bush was quoted as saying in the Quad-City Times, a Davenport, Iowa newspaper.
"Benefits are scheduled to grow at a certain rate, and one of the suggestions, for example ... was they grow ...they grow, but not at a rate as fast as projected. You can call it anything you want. I would call it an adjustment to reality," he said.
Well, an adjustment to the President's reality, a world where tax hikes or even rolling back the President's tax cuts is unspeakable. And this reality could have some serious consequences in the future.