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“This administration is populated by people who’ve spent their careers bashing government. They’re not just small-government conservatives—they’re Grover Norquist, strangle-it-in-the-bathtub conservatives. It’s a cognitive disconnect for them to be able to do something well in an arena that they have so derided and reviled all these years.”

Senator Hillary Clinton

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Votes come in Pt. II

EV tally @ 5:00 PST KERRY 77, BUSH 72

NH - KERRY 55, BUSH 45, 8% reporting
PA - KERRY 68, BUSH 32, 1% reporting
OH - KERRY 51, BUSH 49, 3% reporting
FL - BUSH 56, KERRY 43, 35% reporting, MARTINEZ (R) 52, CASTOR (D) 45 in SENATE, 33%
MO - KERRY 64, BUSH 36, 1% reporting
CO -
NM -

KY SENATE - MONGIARDO (D) 50, BUNNING (R) 50, 89.4% reporting
NC SENATE - BOWLES (D) 47, BURR (R) 51, 13% reporting (BUSH 52, KERRY 48)
SC SENATE - DeMINT (R) 51, TENENBAUM (D) 47 in SENATE, 28% reporting
PA SENATE - HOEFFEL (D) 59, SPECTOR (R) 1% reporting

MSNBC reports a jusge has blocked counting of provisional ballots in PA due to REPUBLICAN suit.

60% of new voters in OH break for KERRY. Bob Novak says it's pessimistic for BUSH there.

NC, SC, VA called for BUSH, I'll call TX for BUSH, new EV tally - BUSH 142, KERRY 77

COBURN projected to hold OK SENATE vs CARSON

MSNBC - Some OH counties forced to stay open by courts due to long lines. CORRECTION - Court orders those in line to be given paper ballots.

Hey, if anyone is keeping updated here, post a comment. My wife's getting a little upset...

Networks call TX for BUSH. Also NE, KS, ND, SD, WY.
Too close to call CO, NM. Still too close FL, OH, MO,
Too early MI, MN, WI, AZ, LA. Still too early PA, AK, NH

BUSH leads EV 162-112