Don't forget to be afraid
Tom Ridge announced you should still be afraid when you vote September 2nd. It's an important reminder since there is no new intelligence or report since the last warning, and because his boss runs his campaign on this "only Bush can protect you" mantra. I guess you could call it job security.
Speaking of job security and terror, it is clear that Bush is a one horse man. How clear? His labor day speech, typically in front of a labor group and focused on their needs, this year was about - you guessed it- terror.
Since becoming president, Bush has spent Labor Day with a trade-union audience:
Teamsters in Michigan in 2001, carpenters in Pennsylvania in 2002 and operating engineers in Ohio last year. But with the election two months away and labor firmly against him, he observed this Labor Day by taking a bicycle ride at Patuxent Wildlife Research Center in Laurel, Md., before flying here to address thousands of supporters in this battleground state's rural southeast corner.
Bush, delivering his regular stump speech in a light rain, defended the Iraq war and challenged Kerry's criticism of his handling of the conflict, saying, "It was right for America, and it's right for America now that Saddam Hussein is no longer in power."
It is nice to see Bush have to finally answer Kerry's attacks, though, isn't it?