Bush botches bounce
I must admit that at no time this weekend did I think of this election and the campaigns unless it was brought up prior. It was very nice to get away, but when I got home, I wondered how the bounce went for Bush after his speech.
Looks like it's over already. While cable news chirps of Time and Newsweek polls to help enable their "Kerry campaign is falling apart" story, the Rasmussen tracking poll for today has a shocking outcome. Each candidate garners 47.3 percent of the vote(Note: This link will be to the main page, update daily. Remember the date of this post is 9/7/04).
Two question arise. First, is this just a blip? General consensus is that Bush now holds a 3-4 point lead over Kerry, but I would not be amazed if the Rasmussen numbers did not become the norm again soon. Secondly, why did the bounce become more of a short hop? While Bush managed a fine speech at the RNC, his message was really nothing new. Everyone knows that the President feels he is strong on terror, and that was the one note he hammered over and over again. Much like a football coach after a pep talk, his team was out and ready to fight. But this was not halftime for the campaign. There is still a long way left to go.
I also read somewhere (and I will post the link if I find it again) that people are now growing tired of hearing about 9/11 and the war on terror in the election. If this is true, more and more people will turn off to the President's message, and more and more will turn to Kerry as he (hopefully) hammers home how Bush has failed the economy.
This could be perfect for the Kerry campaign. With the new additions to the Kerry camp and his new tough style of campaigning, we will eventually hear about how all these things changed the course of the election. On a limb, we could hear that Kerry is a decisive man in calling for the change to occur.
Either way, it is all part of the liberal media conspiracy.