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“This administration is populated by people who’ve spent their careers bashing government. They’re not just small-government conservatives—they’re Grover Norquist, strangle-it-in-the-bathtub conservatives. It’s a cognitive disconnect for them to be able to do something well in an arena that they have so derided and reviled all these years.”

Senator Hillary Clinton

Monday, July 19, 2004

FOX News gets sued

From the Baltimore Sun:

Fox News' use of the slogan "Fair and Balanced" constitutes deceptive advertising, two political advocacy groups claimed Monday in a petition filed with the Federal Trade Commission.

Liberal and historically nonpartisan Common Cause assert that Fox News' reports are "deliberately and consistently distorted and twisted to promote the Republican Party of the U.S. and an extreme right-wing viewpoint."

I'm inclined to believe the suit will ultimately fail, which would be bad news. Most people already know that FOX News is not fair and balanced. Those that do not aren't going to learn it from this lawsuit. And if the suit ultimately fails, FOX News can then claim vindication for their fair and balanced claim.

In the UK, however, FOX News has already run afoul of the law(via Change for America):
Fox News was unable to provide any substantial evidence to support the overall allegation that the BBC management had lied and the BBC had an anti-American obsession. It had also incorrectly attributed quotes to the reporter Andrew Gilligan.

Even taking into account that this was a ‘personal view’ item, the strength and number of allegations that John Gibson made against the BBC meant that Fox News should have offered the BBC an opportunity to respond.

Fox News was therefore in breach of Sections 2.1 (respect for truth), 2.7 (opportunity to take part), and 3.5(b) (personal view programmes – opinions expressed must not rest upon false evidence) of the Programme Code.

That is taken from the British Government's Office of Communication June 14th report. That opens up FOX News to a fine by the BBC.

Additional information from Sirotablog, which is where CFA seemingly first heard of the story. The link is here. The only comment left is simply ridiculous. Sirota makes no claims in his post. He simply reports what the report found. Oh well.