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“This administration is populated by people who’ve spent their careers bashing government. They’re not just small-government conservatives—they’re Grover Norquist, strangle-it-in-the-bathtub conservatives. It’s a cognitive disconnect for them to be able to do something well in an arena that they have so derided and reviled all these years.”

Senator Hillary Clinton

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Drumming up port talk

Kevin Drum:
If the Dubai issue prompts Congress and the president — and the public — to start taking port security seriously, at least some good will have come out of this whole mess.

That, of course, will not happen. The President and the Republican Congress are not going to let this port mess get so out of hand that the allow it to become a real issue of public debate. This initial should-they-or-shouldn't-they debate will eventually come to an end. I imagine Republicans will state the debate is over after more time has passed, and they will back the President and declare the debate over.

It's just the way things have gone before.