Wednesday, September 14, 2005
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- 150 dead in Iraq
- Jumping ship
- Sensitive James Sensenbrenner
- When the GOP lost a city
- Money makes up for emissions
- President admits four years of failure
- What the Schwarzenegger-?
- GOP to renew Social Security privatization
- Aside from starving black people for five days, wh...
- Brown resigns

- AmericaBlog
- The Carpetbagger Report
- Daily Kos
- The Decembrist
- Democracy for America
- Electablog
- Eschaton
- Ezra Klein
- First Draft
- Here's What's Left
- Hullabaloo (Digby)
- Informed Comment: Juan Cole
- The Left Coaster
- Media Matters for America
- MyDD
- Noam Scheiber
- Oliver Willis
- Our Congress
- Pandagon
- Political Animal:Kevin Drum
- The Poor Man
- Roger Ailes
- Sadly, No!
- Swing State Project
- The Talent Show
- Talking Points Memo:Josh Marshall
- TAPPED: The American Prospect Online Blog
- Tom Tomorrow