Let's make a deal
Apparently there's a deal on the filibuster. More as it comes.
*UPDATE* Five of the seven judges will be approved it seems. Owen is one to get through. Henry Saad and William Meyers won't get through, everyone else does. A blow to Frist and the hard right.
Is it just me, or am I hearing "some will make it on an up or down vote" quite a bit? As if part of the agreement means some of the judges who get votes will be voted down? Is that too much to hope for?
*UPDATE* Heh. On CNN (paraphrased)... "We're going to break Joe Lieberman is ready to speak - or maybe Warner - which ever Republican steps up next..."
Harry Reid about to speak...
*UPDATE* It seems that both sides are pretty upset with this, meaning it's prolly a good deal. My opinion? While I'm for the filibuster, I've thought that judges were an individual issue. So I'm glad the filibuster survives. As far as the judges go, well...
*UPDATE* Lindsey Graham on CNN "There are going to be Republicans that vote against Bush's nominees"
That's the only way I think Democrats get anything out of this. We'll see if it's true.
Here's a text of the agreement.
*UPDATE* Alright, Republicans seem more upset at the deal than the liberal side.