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“This administration is populated by people who’ve spent their careers bashing government. They’re not just small-government conservatives—they’re Grover Norquist, strangle-it-in-the-bathtub conservatives. It’s a cognitive disconnect for them to be able to do something well in an arena that they have so derided and reviled all these years.”

Senator Hillary Clinton

Thursday, February 17, 2005

Santorum says what?

Sen Rick Santorum speaking at CPAC on the gay marriage amendment:
"You will find mothers struggling economically, socially culturally," Santorum said. "When people stop getting married, then fathers stop participating in the lives of their children. ... If mom and dad aren't there to raise a child, then some else has to bridge the gap and that someone else is the government."

Santorum said social pathologies like drug abuse, suicide and promiscuity are at least twice as likely to be present homes with no father.

Wow. Is Rick really suggesting that gay marriage would cause men and women to stop marrying altogether? Would they be so disgusted at the idea of something "the gays" do that they wouldn't want to do it anymore? Or is a concern that gays that want to "appear normal" will no longer have to marry a woman not for love but career convienence and raise a family that way? Someone should explain to me how limiting a group from getting married actually promotes it.

And if social problems are "at least twice as likely" in houses without a father (a number I'm sure is a little high), imagine how much lower that number must be in a household with two fathers.

*UPDATE* I've been searching for a Santorum transcript, but so far no luck. I did find this, however, from a study on single parent black households:
The adolescents living in single-mother households actually received more parental support than those in two parent homes or those living with only extended family. "And contrary to the stereotype, the adolescents living with single mothers were no more likely to use alcohol and drugs, engage in delinquency, or drop out of school than those in other household constellations.

Still looking for Santorum's "more than twice as likely" figure.

*UPDATE AGAIN* Here's one that says children in no mother homes are almost twice as likely to use drugs, but the no father numbers are no where near twice as high.

But while I was reading this I wondered if the stigma attached to having "gay parents" caused more stress in the child's life. One could argue that it is the social stigma that would lead to some drug related problems (although I'm still in search of the studies), which would mean that legalization and social acceptance of gay marriage would actually be a good thing, wouldn't it?