The moral question of private accounts
Captured here, in the Roanoke Times:
So the question is - whether you're a Republican or a Democrat, a conservative or a liberal - is it a moral trade? Some Americans will thrive on individualized accounts, and some will suffer. Those who thrive will have more luxurious retirements, longer trips, better cars, more inheritance for their kids. Those who suffer will be scraping for groceries, medicine and rent. Maybe the Bible can guide us on this issue after all.
I think it goes without saying that private accounts would benefit some. More that likely, that group would be those who are already prepared for retirement anyway, as evidenced by the latest AP-Ipsos poll that shows the more money you make, the more likely you are to favor private accounts.
The real question that Bush should have to address, and I have yet to see him or any on the GOP side do it, is what do you do with those who fail at investing, those whose accounts lose money or even just retire during a downturn in the stock market. What do you do to help the people who cannot afford to retire anymore? The answer was Social Security. What will the answer be if Bush takes that away?